Today, I went back to see my doctor (Dr. Hubbard for anyone in the Austin area) to check up on my foot and get my fiberglass cast. According to my doctor, everything was healing well!! He told me that my pain on the top of my foot and in my heel was normal and that it was due to the compression on my foot while it was swelling. He assured me the pain would go away soon so hopefully that is the case! The compression did seem to do its job pretty effectively though as my foot was not very swollen when it came out of the cast. After the inspection, the doc bandaged my up again and went to get the materials for the fiber glass cast. I'm not sure if you guys have ever had a fiberglass cast put on before, but its pretty sweet. This is my first ever cast so I was honestly expecting for them to like pour plaster over my leg and let is solidify or something, but that was not the case at all. The fiberglass cast was basically like a few ace bandage wraps infused with some kind of chemical that reacts and hardens when mixed with water. So they just dipped the cloth bandage wraps in water, wrapped it around my leg, and within 10 minutes I had my cast! I also got to choose my color! Of course, to celebrate the weekend win and to show off my school pride, I chose orange :) I never did the whole sign my cast thing in middle school since I was fortunate enough to never need a cast so would it be too cheesy to do that now in college?? Also, great news, I only have to wear this cast for a week before progressing to a walking boot!!!
My first cast! |
Also, sorry this is a really random part of my posts, but I need to keep an eye on myself!
- Protein shake (1.5 scoops whey, 1 scoop chia seeds)
- 4 slices of roast beef
- 1 Cheese stick
- 1 pack of seaweed (the packs from Costco)
- 1 Pure Protein bar
- 3 eggs with mixed veggies
- 1 small tortilla
- 1 glass of milk
- Greek yogurt with frozen berries
- 2 squares of 78% dark chocolate
- Pumpkin bread
- Cliff Bar
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