Monday, November 11, 2013

Jones Fracture Day 3

So it's now been 3 days since I've had surgery on my Jones Fracture. I've never been on crutches or in a cast before this point so I already feel like I'm going insane. I was in quite a bit of pain yesterday, but the pain was located in my heel rather than near my surgery site. I think it was because they wrapped the splint around my leg too tightly.. I also was on pain killers for while, but went off of them because they were starting to give me a headache.

Anyway, today was my first day trying to get back to normal life. I started bright an early with a class at 9 A.M. in one of the worst buildings on campus, RLM. My class is on the second floor, but the elevators don't go to the second floor and the escalators are not on 80% of the time.. Let me tell you, avoid crutching near stairs if at all possible. Outside of that, my day was normal. I did not keep my foot elevated all day like I think I was supposed to, but there wasn't much pain or pressure so I hope I'm still on track. It's back to the doctor's tomorrow to get fitted for a plaster cast! Hopefully this means I can start working out again!

I also mentioned I would keep a diet log and so I'll start today!

- Protein Shake (Whey, water, chia seeds)

- Pure Protein protein bar

- cheesestick
- cup of milk
- turkey burger with mixed veggies
- 2 eggs
- greek yogurt and frozen fruit

- pumpkin bread (yum!)
- cliff bar

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