Saturday, November 16, 2013

Cast Update

Sorry, it's been a while, I haven't been able to get into the habit of blogging every day just yet. My foot feels like its recovering really well in the cast! There isn't really any pain, only a little soreness here and there. I'm starting to get a little bolder and putting more weight on the foot when I'm standing and stuff too! The only issues that I have had with this cast so far is that there seems to be a constant itch on my leg somewhere in the cast. I resisted the urge the first day, but had to resort to chopsticks before the second day was over. By the way, pro tip for scratching an itch inside a cast. DO NOT USE A PEN. THE CAP WILL COME OFF! Trust me when I say you do not want to be fishing for a pen cap in your cast.

My scratcher of choice!
The other biggest issue I have is learning how to shower. I also avoided that for the first day (gross, I know), but it's just not plausible to keep that up for a whole week so I bit the bullet and taught myself how to shower. I would love to hear how any of you shower with a leg cast because there has got to be a better way! Currently, I basically lay in the shower with my cast leg out and behind the shower curtain and slowly bathe myself. Very tedious and annoying :(

I also had to wear a suit today for a presentation. My first hint that putting on suit pants would be a bad idea should've been that it took like 20 minutes to get the pant leg to fit around my cast. Unfortunately, like a typical college student who doesn't adequately plan ahead, I was in a rush and didn't consider how I might get the pants off later. Let me tell you, that was quite the feat. It took about 30 minutes of slowing inching the pant leg off little by little. I was this close |<--->| to just getting scissors and cutting my loses, literally.

I also wanted to ask you guys if anyone had pro tips for crutches?! Mine have been kind of falling apart, especially the padding are and I haven't quite thought of a solution to carrying things while I crutch around.

I won't bore you with the diet stuff this time :) (i.e. I have no clue what I ate the past few days

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